Why register with a Catholic Parish?
Why Register with a Parish?
By registering with a parish, you are declaring your intent to be an active member in a Catholic faith community. Registering gives you a sense of belonging and identity with a parish community.
- Registering with a parish is a commitment to practice your faith.
- The parish pastor and staff will get to know you better. This is especially important during times of crisis (such as funeral needs) so the pastoral staff can attend to your spiritual needs more effectively.
- Registering allows members to receive Sacraments such as Baptism and Holy Matrimony.
- A registered active member is eligible to be a Catholic godparent for a Baptism or a Confirmation sponsor.
- Registered members that use offertory envelopes or online giving will receive a year-end statement of donations for income tax purposes.
- Registering allows the parish to communicate with you more easily (phone/mail/email).
- Registered active members are eligible (with restrictions/availability) to rent parish facilities.
- Being included in the demographics of the parish helps in the planning for the needs of the parish and diocese.
Most importantly, registering in a parish lets the parish know it can count on you to assist in the mission of the Church. Your parish needs you and you need your parish.