Pastor's Column

March 16 pastor's column

Next weekend we will begin our 40 Hours Devotion at 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 23.  The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed night and day until our concluding Mass on Tuesday evening.   Fr. Herb Weber will be here to preach at an Evening Prayer on Sunday evening at 7 p.m., Monday evening at 7 p.m., and at the closing Mass Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.  (You may remember Fr. Herb, who came to our parish last year representing Cross Catholic Outreach.  He was a very compelling speaker with great stories to share.  He will speak about the Jubilee Year on these three evenings.)  With the Blessed Sacrament exposed, we will need to have people sign up to be in the church for that time span.  I am especially grateful to those who are willing to sign up for an hour during the night.  We have sign-up sheets in the Gathering Space, and there will be an easy electronic sign-up also on the homepage of our parish website.

We have an interesting diocesan event taking place at St. Charles on Monday, known as Pueri Cantores.  Each Catholic school in the diocese will send a few of their good singers to St. Charles.  A professional director will spend the day rehearsing with them, and this very large childrens’ choir will sing for a Mass with Bishop Rhoades at 3:00.  We will have an early dismissal from our school because of the large number of people coming for this event.  Anyone who would like to join us for the 3 p.m. Mass is welcome.  You will hear some beautiful music coming from our children.

An organization called Xavier Society for the Blind offers braille, audio, and large-print religious materials for those who need them.  I believe that many are free.  If you know someone who would benefit, google “Xavier Society for the Blind” and you will find their website. 

Last weekend, a parishioner noticed that someone near her had returned from the Communion line with a consecrated Host in her hand.  She politely asked and found out that the person wasn’t Catholic and had simply gotten in line with everyone else, not knowing what to do.  The parishioner explained that Communion is reserved for Catholics and took the Host from her.  Done in kindness, I think the response was perfect.  I offer a reminder for those who are not Catholic or Catholics who don’t receive Holy Communion:  you are welcome to come forward with arms crossed over your chest for a blessing.     

As we are thinking of sponsoring a well to provide clean water for a village in Africa, our parish Knights of Columbus presented us with a check last week for $5,000!  The cost of a well averages $8,000.  I’m now wondering if we can raise the money to help two villages.

There is progress on our school window project.  At my last report, we needed to spend $26,000 to move the two portable units so that they would be in compliance with fire code and another $26,000 to provide the electricity to heat both.  We are saving most of those costs by eliminating one classroom and moving the other.   We will be able to put two classes of students into the remaining unit and our builders will be able to continue their work.