Pastor's Column

July 28 pastor's column

I was not able to attend the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, but I watched a lot of the livestream broadcasts and saw some wonderful and inspiring presentations and times of prayer.  I hope and pray that this focus on the Eucharist will bear fruit.  I think that Fr. Mike Schmitz had the right insight:  our biggest problem is not that we don’t know our faith.  Our biggest problem is that so many just don’t care.  We need to be awakened and see how important this is.

As we are thinking about the importance of the Mass, this is probably good timing for this announcement:  We are in need of liturgical ministers to help at weekend Masses.  Our greatest need is for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who can help at the Sunday 7:30 Masses and Sunday 5 p.m. Masses.  Those who serve must be active Catholics in good standing, Confirmed, and have a deep respect for the Blessed Sacrament.  We will have an upcoming training session for ministers on August 18.  We are also in need of more readers for the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass and the Sunday 7:30 Mass.  Finally, we would also be grateful for more volunteers willing to be a sacristan, (organizing the bread and wine and linens), at the Sunday 5 p.m. Mass.  We provide personal training sessions for readers and sacristans.  These ministers are all on rotating schedules, and there are substitutes who can help on a weekend you are not available.  If you could help, contact me at or Karen Hope at

Our parish Vocation Committee is organizing a simple party in the Hession Center on Tuesday, August 6 at 7 p.m.  We are inviting all of the seminarians from the Fort Wayne side of the diocese to introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves and their summer assignments.  Everyone is welcome to join us for cookies and a chance to meet our seminarians.

A further note on our church plants:  we had a couple of large ferns in the church in red metal buckets.  The ferns served their purpose and we’re glad they found a new home.  If anyone has the red buckets, though, we would be glad to have them returned.