Pastor's Column

July 21 pastor's column

The national Eucharistic Congress is taking place this weekend in Indianapolis.  This is an exciting event (which can be followed on both EWTN and Relevant Radio) designed to deepen our focus on the great gift Christ offers us in the Eucharist. 

You will see slow progress on our school window project.  As I write this column, our workers are awaiting the custom manufacture of the windows and the delivery of the brick and the metal panels which will go below and above the windows.  Our contractor is confident that the first four classrooms will be finished well before school begins on August 7.  The work will continue with four classrooms under construction at a time, and each section of four classrooms needing two months for completion.  Portable classrooms should be arriving this week so that we can accommodate classes in portable facilities while the work continues.  It will be a beautiful look when it is finished.

Meanwhile, our school restrooms have been updated and HVAC units are being replaced on the roof of two classrooms and our youth ministry building.  With our maintenance crews inside painting and waxing, we should have a building in tip-top shape.

This Thursday evening at 6 p.m. will be the last of the Bibles and Burgers with Fr. Bobby series.  We thank Fr. Bobby for the initiative in organizing and leading the series and we thank the Knights of Columbus for all of their efforts in cooking.  We have had a good response.

While every funeral is a time for deep grief for loved ones, there is something especially disturbing about a double funeral.  In March of ’23, a tragic auto accident took the lives of Dick and Sharon Girard.  Now, just a little over a year later, we have another auto accident which took both Phillip and Sandy Shirmeyer.  Mrs. Shirmeyer taught at St. Charles School for 38 years.  We remember them, and all of our deceased loved ones, in prayer.

The nation was shocked and outraged last weekend by the assassination attempt on Former-President Trump.  While Mr. Trump’s injuries were minimal, others in the crowd were also shot.  We are negotiating the anger and the divisiveness of our nation’s political sphere, but we can surely all agree that the violence and hatred of our world have nothing in common with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Lord, have mercy on us and Lord, heal our nation.  We are not the people you are calling us to be.