Pastor's Column

February 9 pastor's column

We are going to offer a new prayer opportunity at St. Charles this Lent.  Our plan is to expose the Blessed Sacrament in our daily Mass chapel on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Our morning rosary will be offered in the chapel after the 8:15 Mass, but for the rest of the day it will be a simple place of quiet prayer.   When the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, we are required to have at least two people present at each hour through the day.  We will have a Google sign-up available and we will also keep a paper sign-up sheet on the Gathering Space table.  For those who don’t work a daytime job on Wednesdays, consider signing up for an hour each Wednesday and making this Lent a special period of prayer.

We offer thanks to the many workers and volunteers who organized the Borromeo Bash last weekend.  There is an enormous amount of work involved in organizing such a large event, and there is an enormous amount of goodwill and generosity among those who take part.  We are a parish committed to the mission of our parish school.

Fr. James, Fr. Bobby and I will be covering many Masses this week in Auburn, Churubusco, Ege, and Besancon.  We are blessed with three priests at St. Charles and we are able to provide help when other priests are away. 

You will recall that our parish has received a very large bequest and we have tithed on that bequest.  The notes of thanks are pouring in.  This from Fr. Ben Landrigan at Our Lady of Hungary, a parish in South Bend:  “Thank you so much for your incredibly generous gift to Our Lady of Hungary Parish in South Bend! We felt the power of the body of Christ looking out for each of its members when you approached us looking to help.  Our parish is a beautiful blend of Hungarian and Hispanic cultures. Having a historic school building (1927) and church (1949), our expenses are constant. Our congregation is not wealthy, but our families and community are growing.  Thank you for helping Our Lady of Hungary continue its mission in this corner of the Lord's vineyard!” 

A note of thanks also from Fr. James’ monastery in India:  “We are very grateful to you for the special gift you sent.  Recently we purchased a plot of land for a new monastery.  Your gift was used for this purpose.”