Pastor's Column

August 25 pastor’s column

We have a table in the Gathering Space this weekend for those who would like to donate candy or two-liter bottles of pop for Cardinal Fest.  If you aren’t prepared this weekend, the table will be here also next weekend.  Cardinal Fest, our parish festival, will take place on September 7.  Because of the construction disarray in the school this year, most of the event will be outside.  We are praying for a sunny day.

Thank you to all who have supported our Seminarian Bake Sale through the years.  Thanks are also due to the Vocation Committee for organizing this event.  With a very generous parish we have been able to help each seminarian from our diocese with auto expenses and other personal expenses.

I am missing in action this weekend and I will likely also be missing next weekend.  I have been in Indianapolis where I had surgery on Tuesday to donate a kidney.  A priest friend needs a kidney.  Since we have different blood types and don’t match, my kidney was put into a cooler of ice and rushed by helicopter and private jet to a hospital in Pennsylvania where someone was waiting in the operating room for a transplant.   My friend now receives a voucher.  As soon as he is cleared for surgery, he will go to the top of the list and receive the first available matching organ.  I have been told that I will probably be on pain medications and unable to drive for two weeks.  While I hope for a speedier recovery, it is likely that I won’t return to parish ministries for another week or so.  I’m grateful to Fr. Bobby and Fr. James who have taken on a lot of extra responsibilities while I am gone.