Pastor's Column

August 18 pastor's column

School has begun and we are working around the window construction crews.  Our portable classrooms are now housing junior high classes while their permanent rooms are under construction.  When these classes can return to the school building, lower grades will be cycling into the portable rooms.  The rooms in the portable classrooms are not quite as big as a school room, they have no bathrooms and they aren’t very soundproof.  However, there is some level of adventure involved in moving out to the portables for a few weeks.  The payoff will be worth it.  As they are completed, the new classroom windows and shelving are a huge improvement in the school rooms.  The look from the outside is also a major improvement.

This weekend you will find our Seminarian Bake Sale taking place in the Gathering Space and a pair of trucks from the St. Vincent de Paul Society in our northwest parking lot.  Buy some baked goods after Mass to help seminarians with living expenses, and bring used furniture and clothing to the parking lot to find a good home via the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store.   The trucks will be here Sunday from noon until 5:00.

I offer a word of congratulations and thanks to the musicians who presented a wonderful concert at St. Charles last weekend.  We had an amazing sound with 31 vocalists and 15 instrumentalists.  It was especially good to see former parishioners return and join us for a beautiful evening of sacred music.  One parishioner asked me, “How soon can we do this again?”

We have a great Parish Council at St. Charles.  This group meets monthly to talk about parish ministries, give ideas and advice, and brainstorm new ideas.  New members are added each year for a three-year term.  We discerned four new members in May and I neglected to post their names in the bulletin.  These are our current council members:  Don Clemmer, Cynthia Crosby, Katie Eckrich, Linda Gutoskey, Tony Hassleschwert, Jared Hoy, Stephen Jahrsdoerfer, Cathy Krouse, Mike O’Neil, Cheryl Prater, Dennis Redding, Tes Sanderlin and Matt Smith.  Deacon Rob, Fr. Bobby and I also attend.  We thank the council members who have cycled off this year:  Steve Bentz, Keith Heimann, Steve Lutz, Joe McKenna, and Chris Stock.   Don’t hesitate to contact a council member if you have ideas or thoughts that could be useful.