Monday, December 2, 2024
First Week of Advent

Dear RE Families,

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and is ready for the final push to Christmas break.  Only 3 nights of RE classes until the break and it will be a busy 3 weeks with our 2nd graders receiving their first Reconciliation on December 7 and our 8th graders receiving the sacrament of Confirmation on December 13. 

Yesterday, we started the new liturgical calendar year with the Advent season!  Such a fun time of anticipation and waiting for our Lord's birth.  This is the perfect time to remember that Jesus is the true reason for the season. :)  It is also the perfect time to highlight this special season in your home!  The link shows some easy ideas that are simple to bring a new tradition to your home this Advent.

I would like to share with you some info about the upcoming Holy Day from Father Tom:  A word about the upcoming Holy Day: December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This year December 8 falls on a Sunday. Holy Days of Obligation usually take the place of a Sunday Mass, but that isn't the case during Advent. Therefore, our Holy Day of Obligation has been moved to Monday, December 9. We will have four Masses on December 9: 6:15 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The 5:00 p.m. Sunday evening Mass next weekend will be the Advent Sunday Mass. That Mass, however, could count for the Mass obligation for either the Sunday or the Holy Day but not both. In other words: Next weekend as always, we need to attend Mass either Saturday evening or Sunday. Then we need to attend a second Mass either Sunday evening or Monday. Please note that one of those times to attend Mass for the Holy Day is during our Rel Ed class time on Dec. 9. Parents, if you have no other option and would like to take your child and attend Mass as a family at 6:30pm, please do so. We will still be having class in the school and offering our planned Advent Reconciliation to our students in grades 3-8. 

Please keep our 2nd grade class in your prayers this weekend as they receive their First Reconciliation!  They have been preparing long and hard for this big day when all their sins will be absolved!  We are so excited for them.

Also, please keep our 8th graders in your prayers too as they will get Confirmed on December 13 at 7:00pm in the church. They have been preparing long and hard and are ready to receive the full power of the Holy Spirit. Veni Sancte Spiritus! 

Know of our prayers for you as we enter this holy season of Advent!

Keith and Cindy

December 2024 Calendar     
December 2: Regular Class Night - Grade 2 Visits Confessionals and Church
December 7: First Reconciliation, 10:30am in Church
December 9: Regular Class Night (Holy Day of Obligation)
                       Grades 3-8 Advent Reconciliation during Class
December 12: Confirmation Practice for 8th grade Candidates/Sponsors 7:00pm in the School Cafeteria then Church 
December 13: Confirmation Mass 7:00pm in the Church (Candidates/Sponsors Please Arrive by 6:30 in the School Cafeteria)                      
December 16:  Regular Class Night
                         First Half Progress Reports Go Home
December 23 - December 30:  Christmas Break
January 6:  First Class Back After Break

When RE Class Gets Cancelled Due to Weather
With the cold and snowy season upon us, I wanted to remind all RE parents to look at their email if we were to cancel class due to weather.  I will always send out an email to all parents to notify you of a cancellation.  While I do call it into the TV stations, it can sometimes be hit or miss if they run it.  Always check your email or feel free to email me at this address.

Supplies to Class
Just a reminder, please be sure to send your child to class with their text and folder.  It makes class so much easier to run when they have their supplies and don't have to share.  Grades 6-8 also have their Bible.

Progress Reports
Twice a year, catechists complete progress reports on each student.  Our first half of the year progress reports will be sent home on December 16, our last class before break.  It will show you what skills/topics they have covered in class, how they are doing on the prayers they should know, and any comments related to your child specifically.  Please take time to look at them and discuss the report with your child.

24-25 Fees
Thank you to the families that have their fees paid for the year.  If you haven't yet, we would greatly appreciate you paying your fees.  For one child $70, two for $130, and three or more is $190.  If you are unsure of your balance, send us an email!