Prayer Works

What is Prayer Works? A 24/7 prayer room housed in the Electric Works campus for anyone to pray, encounter Jesus, and bring new levels of peace and unity in Fort Wayne, the region, and world. While there are other prayer rooms like this hosted by specific faiths or churches, this is the first prayer room of its kind in the entire world with co-hosts of different Christian faiths coming together united in a shared mission.
St. Charles is hosting the prayer room during one of the first 100 days. You are welcome to stop-in at anytime to check-out the room and to pray! We also need volunteers to help us! Sign-up here to help us host the prayer room on Friday, March 3rd. Host responsibilities can be reviewed here.
Where is Prayer Works?
1626 Broadway St, Suite 135
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Who is involved? Many believers of Christian faith that believe in the Apostles’ Creed have been invited to participate in the PrayerWorks initiative. Leaders hope to have at least 100 churches involved across the city of Fort Wayne.
Are Catholics allowed to participate? Yes, Bishop Rhoades has provided a letter of support for Prayer Works project efforts. Catholic groups involved include St. Charles Borromeo, St. Vincent De Paul, Shema Culture, and the University of Saint Francis who have all accepted invitations to be part of hosting the Prayer Works room.

Why should I participate? The Prayer Works initiative is an initiative to unite Christian churches in prayer based on what we have in common, which is Jesus. It is a truly ecumenical effort that has brought together Catholics and non-Catholic Christians in dialogue on topics of the faith and shared prayer in the planning stages. Prayer works leaders have taken intentional steps to invite Catholics to be part of the initiative by meeting with Catholic pastors, the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration, and other lay Catholic leaders. They have expressed being deeply moved by Catholic's response. They have taken the time to learn more about Catholic worship; they have been spotted praying in Catholic Adoration chapels. There are two Catholics that are part of the Prayer Works leadership board, Justin and Monica Aquila. Prayer Works is a place to pray for the city of Fort Wayne and to build greater Christian unity.
What should I expect? Most of the time, it will be a space of quiet prayer and reflection, but from the hours of 7-8am and 7-8pm, they plan to have directed prayer and song that focuses on types of prayer that all Christian churches have in common. There will routinely be praise and worship during the 7-8am/pm hours. There will be prayer for the city of Fort Wayne and other prayer intentions determined by the group hosting the room that day.
How is St. Charles involved? Fr. Tom Shoemaker was part of the dedication of the prayer room on January 7th, which was open to the public. Church leaders will prayed over city leaders. Shema Culture participated in leading music as part of Kingdom Collective. St. Charles was also invited to be a host group during the first 100 hours of the prayer room. The date that we are hosting the prayer room is Friday, March 3rd.
How can I get involved? Stop-in the prayer room at any time to pray. Also, sign-up to help St. Charles host the prayer room during one of the first 100 days of the Prayer Works room at the Electric Works Campus. We need lots of volunteers to help! The date that we've selected is Friday, March 3rd. During the 7-8am and 7-8pm hours of the day, there will be led prayer and song. Bring your family and invite a friend to join you.
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