Steps to register here:
1.) Complete and turn in this permission form by Oct 31st. NCYC Permission form.
2.) Turn in $225 payment by Oct 31st. Make check payable to "St. Charles." Turn in to St. Charles Parish Office (open M-F 8:30am-4:30pm), Attn: Youth Ministry, 4916 Trier Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46815.
3.) Complete the Annual Welcome Packet if you have not already done in the summer or fall of 2021.
4.) Other Notes, see full list:
- All attendees are expected to wear masks while indoor and comply with either being vaccinated against COVID-19 OR have a negative COVID-19 test of ANY kind within 72 hours of arriving in Indianapolis.
- Student Conduct expectations are here, please review them with your student.
- This package does not include a few meals and personal spending money for students.
- After submitting #1-3 above, you will also be asked by the diocese to do a form for NCYC.